Tumbleweed and Alligator
​Thoughts and Ramblings of a West Texas Native and a Cajun Poser

The Cancer Chronicles - A Journey of Faith
The Cancer Chronicles - A Journey of Faith
Ongoing life in a cancer household;
the ups and downs and in-betweens
Ongoing life in a cancer household;
the ups and downs and in-betweens
Welcome to my thoughts - some private and some for the universe to know.
All of the years I have kept notes, journals and records of my life's experiences, insight, and perspectives were for the sake of archiving my existence here. I was never prepared to share such a heart-wrenching and fearful episode of my life, nor quite sure where to set the privacy boundaries. I never quite considered who would be reading, or even who would actually care. At the end of the day, it is for the writer who writes, because he is compelled to do so. He commits to paper (or computer) that which may never be known, if not for his timely release. It is writing for the sake of writing about what gives him joy, sadness, hope, despair, or fear.
The reader is but a spectator, a voyeur, a curious bystander who may be touched in some remote way by the words on the paper. Let my words and thoughts land where they will, if only assembled as a historical account of my passing this way. But, if someone connects to anything I share, then I pray that they will be blessed in some way.
The blogs on this site are diverse in topic and thought. Some are password protected because they are still so current and fresh, and sensitive for those who may be mentioned. But, as is true with any such writings, they eventually become public, and I am quite certain that the passwords will be lifted at a time I feel appropriate.