Tumbleweed and Alligator
​Thoughts and Ramblings of a West Texas Native and a Cajun Poser

August 13, 2021 - Fear - It's My Turn!
August 13, 2021 - Fear - It's My Turn!
After we found out about Ed's cancer, I immediately scheduled a colonoscopy for myself. So, today the hospital called and I am going in on Monday morning, August 16 for my test. I have to admit that I am terrified -- not of the procedure, but of the possible results. Ed is going with me, but I'm not sure he should, given the fact that he has been feeling really tired.
Yesterday he went in for the medi-port that will be used going forward for his chemo infusions. I don't think he anticipated the extreme pain he would feel in his neck. He was given a prescription for pain meds, and of course they always make you drowsy. Add that to the chemo, and he stayed in bed most of the day yesterday.
I added another link to our growing prayer chain. Yvonne Normand, a woman who never hides her faith, who speaks the language of prayer quite fluently will add us to her intentions. With each person I add, the solidity of faith and hope becomes stronger.
During all of this, we are dealing with Covid and a stronger strain of the virus. Authorities are mandating mitigation measures once again - vaccines, masks, social distancing, etc. I heard today that there will be a booster shot available to cancer patients and those others who are vulnerable. Each day brings more news of the increase of cases and deaths. I don't even want Ed to go to work, but I know he will insist for as long as possible.
So, I should have more to add next week. Putting positive vibes out into the universe.