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December 20, 2022

God Does Not Waste Our Pain

I wish for pain and trouble, said no one, ever. What we do wish for as Christians is a deeper meaning for our lives, stronger faith in God, and wisdom to understand His word. Often these prayers are answered through our pain and suffering.

We are only human, and so we are born to question, hard-wired to be curious and often hard-headed when we don’t like the answers we are given. When wondering why we must suffer, why those we love have to go through undeserving trials and pain, we forget that God does not waste a moment of our pain, but uses it to deliver His promises, to drill into our hearts His sovereignty, His power, and His compassion.

When Ed was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer, we were both stunned, confused and dazed. There was certainly a level of denial, a sense of disbelief – for about 5 minutes. Then, there came the questions, the why, the how could this happen. It’s been a journey with twists and turns, of faith-shaking moments when I went from falling on my knees to shaking my fist at the heavens. But now I have come to realize that God used every tear and every stab of pain and fear to broaden my faith and deepen my relationship with Him.

And while our journey is ours alone to walk, is it not true that through our pain, our friends, and even strangers are finding themselves in prayer for us?  Aren’t others strengthening their own relationship with God with each prayer they deliver for us? So, again I say that the pain of the world is not wasted. It brings us together in prayer; it brings into focus our walk with God. It can set our feet on a path of renewed faith and hope.

On the other side of pain and suffering, we may be led to a deeper meaning for our lives; perhaps a different purpose we have not yet considered. Look at the pain as just part of the journey to your destination.

God does not waste our pain, and neither should we.

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