Tumbleweed and Alligator
Thoughts and Ramblings of a West Texas Native and a Cajun Poser

Have Faith in YOU
June 6, 2022
Have Faith in YOU
June 6, 2022
A person of faith is not exempt from confusion and indecision. Sometimes, God is trying to direct us, but we are plagued with confusion, indecision and holes in our faith.
God does not mean for us to be paralyzed at the edge of the path. He does not expect us to always know what He wants, but I believe he provides us with just enough conviction, just enough “signs” to challenge our faith at the same time He is revealing the wisdom He has bestowed upon us.
If we expect Him to put a neon flashing sign in our path saying “JUMP” or “STOP” or “GO HERE”, I’m afraid we would never move forward due to fear and uncertainty. We find ourselves waiting, wringing our hands as we look out on the horizon to see the green light.
Instead, God helps us see for ourselves the path that might be best; one path among many possible alternate routes. We are not psychics; we can never know for sure if all will turn out as we hope or pray. But, God gave us the tools to help us make decisions: life experiences, the ability to analyze probable outcomes based on science or anecdotal evidence; we have counsel from respected and loyal friends or family; we even have the real time outside forces such as economy, financial health, physical capacity, etc. After applying all of what is humanly possible to discern, we make a decision, praying that God will uphold us and guard us in that decision.
I think there is a difference in asking God to show us what to do, and asking Him to guide us on the path that we have carefully chosen. No path is perfect because they are engineered and paved by man, subjected to his imperfections and limitations.
In conclusion, I guess we must make our way relying on the faith we have in our ability to choose what we think is prudent and wise, and couple that with the faith we have in God to carry us down those chosen paths. There is no good reason not to believe in yourself, because God lives in you.
What my readers are saying
What my readers are saying
This hit home! It's encouraging to know that God gives us the tools we need.
Stacey S.